360MatchPro Volunteer Hub: Integration Certification Checklist

This article walks through the certification process that ust be completed for a Volunteer Hub integration to be certified by the Double the Donation Partnerships Team.

Step 1: Admin Experience in Partner Platform

Step 2: Volunteer Experience When Registering

Step 3: API Notes or Partner Platform


Each 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub integration must be certified by the Double the Donation Partnerships Team before it can be released. Integrations that are built per the documentation in the Partner Portal should pass certification.

The following checklist is intended to help integration partners prepare for the certification demo with the Partnerships Team. If all of the following are true, your integration is highly likely to be certified.

Step 1: Admin Experience in Partner Platform

Admin Experience

1. Clients must be able to enter their public and private API keys to activate an existing account (example below).

2. {optional} Clients can request contact from the Double the Donation team about 360MatchPro using a contact form provided by the Partnerships team (Please contact Double the Donation if you would like this for link).

Admin Experience Clients can add and remove 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub to and fronm all volunteer registratoin forms (global settings) AND/OR Clients can add and remove 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub individual registration forms on a case-by-case basis (form-level settings).

Step 2: Volunteer Experience When Registering

Registration form

1. The streamlined search field (emlployer search field to identify volunteer grant/volunteer PTO eligibility) must appear on the registration form.

2. The streamlined search field must auto-complete the volunteer-entered text. 

3. The streamlined search field must store the volunteer's selection on the form. 

Confirmation/Thank You/Success/Receipt Page

1. The Volunteer Plugin (plugin that directs volunteer to the volunteer grant/volunteer PTO guidelines and forms for their company) must appear on the confirmation page.

2. When the volunteeer selects a company on the registration form or provides a corporate email address on the registration form, the volunteer plugin must initialize to that company's volunteer grant/volunteer PTO program policies.

3. When the volunteeer did not select a company on the registration form or provide a corporate email address on the registration form, the volunteer plugin must present a blank search plugin.

Step 3: API Notes for Partner Platform 

Logging Volunteer Registrations With 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub Add volunteer registrations from integrated registration pages must be logged in 360MatchPro volunteer hub, even those with no company name associated.
Partner API Key The Partner API key must be part of the registration submission from the partner platform into 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub. This plugs the partner platform name into the "Source" field in 360MatchPro Volunteer Hub.