User Stories

This article provides three user stories to explain how donors and clients interact with Double the Donation.

Testing Personas

User Stories: Activate Double the Donation


User Stories: Online Donations



User Stories: CRM Records


Testing Personas

The following user stories refer to the following testing personas:

  1. Kate: Nonprofit client organization user with administrative access to the nonprofit's instance in the partner platform.

  2. David: Donor submitting a donation.

User Stories: Activate Double the Donation


Title: Kate should be able to activate an existing Double the Donation account


User value: As Kate I want to activate Double the Donation so that my donors can get their gifts matched

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I believe I have a Double the Donation account
WHEN I enter my Double the Donation public and private API keys into the appropriate fields
THEN I am presented with a message indicating that activation was successful
OR THEN I am presented with a message indicating that my activation was not successful, including a reason why, and asking me to either verify that my keys are correct (DTD Support) or request an account (the “Request Account” form)

Dev Notes: Reference “ Activate Double the Donation” → “Verify 360MatchPro Keys”

Title: Kate should be able to request a new Double the Donation account


User value: As Kate I want to request a new Double the Donation account so that my donors can get their gifts matched

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I do not believe I have a Double the Donation account
WHEN I enter the appropriate information into the appropriate fields
THEN I am presented with a message indicating that my response has been submitted and I will receive follow-up information from Double the Donation

Dev Notes: Reference “ Activate Double the Donation” → “Request Account Form”

User Stories: Online Donations


Title: Kate should be able to add Double the Donation to and remove Double the Donation from all donation forms


User value: As Kate I want to add Double the Donation to all my donation forms so that all online donors can get their gifts matched

Acceptance criteria:

GIVEN I have successfully activated Double the Donation
WHEN I edit my global donation tool features and indicate that Double the Donation should be activated globally
THEN I am presented with a confirmation message
AND THEN Double the Donation appears on all existing and future donation forms

Notes: This user story is only applicable if global online donation form settings exist within the partner platform.


Dev Notes: Reference “ Online Donations" for a description of Double the Donation appearing on donation forms.

Title: Kate should be able to individually add Double the Donation to and remove Double the Donation from some donation forms and not others


User value: As Kate I want to add Double the Donation to some of my donation forms so that I can target gift matching to just some campaigns

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I have successfully activated Double the Donation
WHEN I edit individual donation form settings/design for a new or existing donation form that does not currently have Double the Donation activated
THEN I am presented with the option to enable Double the Donation
AND THEN if I enable Double the Donation for the individual form, the tool appears on the individual form
OR WHEN I edit individual donation form settings/design for a new or existing donation form that does currently have Double the Donation activated
THEN I am presented with the option to disable Double the Donation
AND THEN if I enable Double the Donation for the individual form, Double the Donation no longer appears on the individual form

Dev Notes: Reference “ Online Donations" for a description of Double the Donation appearing on donation forms.


Title: David should be able to donate online with a corporate email address and receive matching gift information/instructions


User value: As David I want to donate online with a corporate email address so that I can receive matching gift information/instructions

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I have completed the rest of the online donation process properly
WHEN I provide a corporate email address in the standard “Email” field of the donation form
THEN I am presented with the DTD matching gift plugin on the confirmation page, populated with the matching gift database information for the company in the DTD database that matches the corporate email domain I provided
AND THEN I receive an automated email from Double the Donation containing the matching gift database information for the company in the DTD database that matches the corporate email domain I provided
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal with my company name populated in the “Company” column and the status “Waiting for Donor” populated in the “Status” column

Title: David should be able to donate online with a non-corporate email address and self-report his employer within the online donation experience and receive matching gift information/instructions


User value: As David I want to donate online with a non-corporate email address and self-report my employer within the online donation experience so that I can receive matching gift information/instructions

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I have completed the rest of the online donation process properly
WHEN I provide a non-corporate email address in the standard “Email” field of the donation form
AND WHEN I use the DTD streamlined search field and select my company name
THEN I am presented with the DTD matching gift plugin on the confirmation page, populated with the matching gift database information for the company in the DTD database that I self-reported
AND THEN I receive an automated email from Double the Donation containing the matching gift database information for the company in the DTD database that I self-reported
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal with my company name populated in the “Company” column and the status “Waiting for Donor” populated in the “Status” column
OR WHEN I provide a non-corporate email address in the standard “Email” field of the donation for
AND WHEN I do not use the DTD streamlined search field
THEN I am presented with the DTD matching gift plugin on the confirmation page, which is blank and prompts me to search my company name
AND THEN I use the plugin to search and select my company name, which populates the matching gift database information for the company in the DTD database that I self-reported
AND THEN I receive an automated email from Double the Donation containing the matching gift database information for the company in the DTD database that I self-reported
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal with my company name populated in the “Company” column and the status “Waiting for Donor” populated in the “Status” column

Title: David should be able to donate online with a non-corporate email address and self-report his employer after the online donation experience and receive matching gift information/instructions


User value: As David I want to donate online with a non-corporate email address and self-report my employer in a post-transaction email so that I can receive matching gift information/instructions

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I have completed the rest of the online donation process properly
WHEN I provide a non-corporate email address in the standard “Email” field of the donation form
AND WHEN I do not use the DTD streamlined search field
AND WHEN I do not use the matching gift plugin to search and select my company name
THEN I receive an automated email from Double the Donation prompting me to check my matching gift eligibility
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal the “Company” column blank and the status “Unknown Employer” populated in the “Status” column
AND THEN I follow the instructions in the automated email and select my company name
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal with my company name populated in the “Company” column and the status “Waiting for Donor” populated in the “Status” column

User Stories: CRM Records


Title: David should be able to donate offline with a corporate email address linked to his record and receive matching gift information/instructions


User value: As David I want to donate offline with a corporate email address so that I can receive matching gift information/instructions

Acceptance criteria:

GIVEN My donation is linked to my constituent record
AND GIVEN I have a corporate email address associated with my constituent record
WHEN my donation is entered into the CRM
THEN I receive an automated email from Double the Donation containing the matching gift database information for the company in the DTD database that matches the corporate email domain associated with my constituent record
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal with my company name populated in the “Company” column and the status “Waiting for Donor” populated in the “Status” column

Title: David should be able to donate offline with a non-corporate email address linked to his record and receive matching gift information/instructions


User value: As David I want to donate offline with a non-corporate email address and self-report my employer in a post-transaction email so that I can receive matching gift information/instructions

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN My donation is linked to my constituent record
AND GIVEN I have a non-corporate email address associated with my constituent record
WHEN my donation is entered into the CRM
THEN I receive an automated email from Double the Donation prompting me to check my matching gift eligibility
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal the “Company” column blank and the status “Unknown Employer” populated in the “Status” column

Title: David should be able to donate offline with no email address linked to his record and appear in the Double the Donation portal


User value: As David I want to donate offline so that my transaction record is saved by the nonprofit I'm supporting

Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN My donation is linked to my constituent record
AND GIVEN I have no email address associated with my constituent record
OR GIVEN I do not have a constituent record
OR GIVEN My donation is not linked to my constituent record
WHEN my donation is entered into the CRM
THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal the “Company” column blank and the status “Unknown Employer” populated in the “Status” column