This article provides users stories to explain how volunteers and organizations interact with Double the Donation and your volunteer integration.
Testing Personas
The following user stories refer to the following testing personas:
- Emma: Nonprofit client organization user with administrative access to the nonprofit's instance in the partner platform.
- Thomas: Volunteer registering for a volunteer shift.
User Stories: Activate Double the Donation Integration
Title: Emma should be able to activate an integration with her Double the Donation account
User value: As Emma I want to activate Double the Donation in my volunteer management platform so that my volunteers can discover volunteer grant and PTO programs
Acceptance Criteria:
GIVEN when I believe I have a Double the Donation Volunteering account
WHEN I enter my Double the Donation public and private API keys into the appropriate fields
THEN I am presented with a message indicating that activation was successful
OR THEN I am presented with a message indicating that my activation was not successful, including a reason why, and asking me to either verify that my keys are correct (DTD Support) or inquire to purchase an account
Dev Notes: Reference “Activate Double the Donation” → “Verify 360MatchPro Keys”
User Stories: Online Volunteer Registrations
Title: Emma should be able to add Double the Donation to and remove Double the Donation from all applicable volunteer registration forms
User value: As Emma I want to add Double the Donation to all my volunteer registration forms so I can discover where my volunteers work and my volunteers can discover their eligibility for volunteer incentive programs offered by their employer
Acceptance criteria:
GIVEN I have successfully activated Double the Donation
WHEN I edit my global registration form features and indicate that Double the Donation should be activated globally
THEN I am presented with a confirmation message
AND THEN Double the Donation volunteer plugin appears on all existing and future volunteer registration forms
NOTE: This user story is only applicable if global online registration form settings exist within the partner platform.
Title: Emma should be able to individually add and remove Double the Donation Volunteering to/from some registration forms and not others
User value: As Emma I want to add Double the Donation Volunteering to some of my registration forms so that I can target volunteer PTO and volunteer grants to only some campaigns
Acceptance Criteria:
GIVEN I have successfully activated Double the Donation
WHEN I edit individual registration form settings/design for a new or existing registration form that does not currently have Double the Donation Volunteering activated
THEN I am presented with the option to enable Double the Donation Volunteering
AND THEN if I enable Double the Donation Volunteering for the individual form, Double the Donation appears on the individual form
OR WHEN I edit individual registration form settings/design for a new or existing registration form that does currently have Double the Donation Volunteering activated
THEN I am presented with the option to disable Double the Donation
AND THEN if I disable Double the Donation for the individual form, Double the Donation no longer appears on the individual form
Title: Thomas should be able to register to volunteer online with a corporate email address and receive volunteer grant and volunteer PTO information/instructions
User value: As Thomas I want to register to volunteer online with a corporate email address so that I can receive volunteer grant and volunteer PTO information/instructions
Acceptance Criteria:
GIVEN I have completed the rest of the online volunteer registration process properly
WHEN I provide a corporate email address in the standard "Email" field of the registration form
THEN I am presented with the Double the Donation Volunteer Plugin on the confirmation page, populated with the volunteer grant/PTO database information for the company in the DTD database that matches the corporate email domain I provided
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation portal with my company name populated in the "Company".
Title: Thomas should be able to register online to volunteer with a non-corporate email address and self-report his employer within the registration experience and receive volunteer grant/volunteer PTO information/instructions
User value: As Thomas I want to register online to volunteer with a non-corporate email address and self-report my employer within the online registration experience so that I can receive volunteer grant/volunteer PTO information/instructions
Acceptance Criteria:
GIVEN I have completed the rest of the online volunteer registration process properly
WHEN I provide a non-corporate email address in the standard "Email" field of the registration form
AND WHEN I use the Double the Donation streamlined search field and select my company name
THEN I am presented with the Double the Donation Volunteer Plugin on the confirmation page, populated with the volunteer grant/volunteer PTO database information for the company in the DTD database I self-reported
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation Volunteering portal with my company name populated in the "Company" column.
OR WHEN I provide a non-corporate email address in the standard "Email" field of the registration form
AND WHEN I do not use the Double the Donation streamlined search field
THEN I am presented with the Double the Donation Volunteer Plugin on the confirmation page, which is blank and prompts me to search my company name
AND THEN I use the plugin to search and select my company name, which populates the volunteer grant/volunteer PTO database information for the company in the DTD database that I self-reported
AND THEN my transaction record appears in the Double the Donation Volunteering Portal with my company name populated in the "Company" column.